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Showing posts from July, 2024

Magazines: final index

 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Magazine cover learner response

1) Add your finished magazine cover as a JPEG image. 2) Type up your feedback from your teacher. If you've received this by email, you can copy and paste it across - WWW and EBIs. You don't need to include a mark or grade if you don't want to. 3) Consider your mark against the mark scheme above. What are the strengths of your production based on the the mark scheme? Think about magazine cover  conventions  and the media language techniques you have used to communicate with your audience (e.g. mise-en-scene, camera shot etc.) 4) Look at the mark scheme again. What can you do to move your mark higher and, if required, move up a level? 5) What would be  one piece of advice  you would give a student about to start the same magazine cover project you have just completed? 

Industries: the appeal of print - blog tasks

1) Writer's Edit journal article Read this excellent  Writer's Edit academic journal article on the independent magazine industry  and answer the following questions: 1) What is the definition of an independent print magazine? Independent magazines are defying the predictions of many that print magazines are a fading relic of the pre-digital world. 2) What does Hamilton (2013) suggest about independent magazines in the digital age? A small but growing body of evidence suggests that small printed magazines are quietly thriving even as the global newspaper and book industries falter” 3) Why does the article suggest that independent magazines might be succeeding while global magazine publishers such as Bauer are struggling? This market has been referred to as the “global niche” (Hamilton 2013: 44) and highlights the differences between independent and established mainstream magazines. Magazines produced by large companies like Bauer Media and News Limited in Australia are struggli

The Gentlewoman: Language and Representation blog tasks

  Gentlewoman front cover  1) What do the typefaces used on the front cover suggest to an audience? Sans Serif the masthead is all lowercase which may suggest that the brand isn't as focused on this magazine.    2) How does the cover subvert conventional magazine cover design? The masthead is in lowercase there is no cover line which isn't conventional for a magazine.  3) Write an analysis of the central image. Eye contact which can show power and control over the audience can be seen as powerful. The close up can show personal identity and the use of make-up can be seen as fashionable and trendy. 4)  What representations of gender and celebrity can be found on this front cover? Women stereotypes can be reinforced as Scarlet Johansson is making eye contact which can show power. The masthead is also in lowercase which can show the audience that women can break the trends and create a new wave of trends and can have control over it.    5) What gender and representation theories c

Magazine practical task research and planning

  1) Use Google to research potential magazines that you could use as your brand/design for this project.  Create a shortlist of  three  potential magazines and embed an example front cover from each one. We recommend looking at lifestyle magazines or a similar genre as these are more achievable to re-create. 2) Choose  one  of the three magazine brands to use for your project e.g GQ, Vogue or The Gentlewoman. Then f ind  three  different front covers for your chosen magazine and embed them in your blogpost. Analyse the fonts, colours and typical design. What is the language or writing style? How are the cover lines written? What camera shot is generally used for the cover image? You need to become an expert in the design and construction of this magazine and its branding. The slam cover all have different font which fits the player each magazine is designed to fit the players personality and the team they play for some SLAM magazines has players name on the front of it and they also h

The Gentlewoman: Audience and Industries

  1) Media Magazine feature: Pleasures of The Gentlewoman Go to  our Media Magazine archive  and read the article on The Gentlewoman (MM84 - page 34). Answer the following questions: 1) What does the article suggest is different about the Gentlewoman compared to traditional women's magazines?  Of course, there are differences too: Elle veers slightly more into careers and travel, Vogue is fashion- focussed, while Cosmo has more sex. But, from afar, they all follow similar conventions, like using uppercase letters to GRAB YOUR ATTENTION. And they do this on purpose, to compete with each other. Yet, the gentlewoman sticks a middle finger up at these conventions. Its minimalist covers are so completely different that it’s actually shocking. The only text is the title, subtitle and name of the person in the photograph, which is taken as a portrait and framed like a painting. It’s a bold statement that says this is more than just a magazine, this is art. 2) What representations are offe

GQ - Audience & Industries blog tasks

  Audience Look through  the GQ Media Kit  and answer the following questions:  1) How does the media kit introduction describe GQ? Baidawi, GQ explores the powerful and progressive new forces shaping culture, society and commerce in Britain. Building on a 33-year legacy of print excellence across journalism, photography and design, British GQ is today also a digital, social, video and experiential powerhouse – a community where people gather to be inspired and exchange ideas around style, creativity and culture. 2) What does the media kit suggest about masculinity?  As masculinity evolves and men's fashion has moved to the centre of the global pop-culture conversation, GQ's authority has never been broader or stronger. 3) Pick out  three  statistics from the data on page 2 and explain what they suggest about the GQ audience. 61% ABC1 this shows that GQ audience is normally higher class or high middle class therefore GQ audience is wealthy.  £7.7K AVERAGE ANNUAL SPEND ON FASHIO